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Sunbathed Forest

The Sunbathed forest has always been a mythical place. The air hangs over-head with a feeling of unseen magic. The trees are ancient and huge, while the floor is nearly completely covered with moss; no Mortal has any idea how long it's been here. Unlike most other forests, there are no lone twigs on the ground and all the branches are near the tops of the trees. It's unusually quiet here though life is abundant from the forest floor to the tree-tops. Strange purple lights float around in the warm air. Although hardly any sunlight gets through the dense canopy, it's brightly lit and summer all year 'round.

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The air is thick and heavy, burdening your lungs and making your throat feel huge and pressured. You wheeze with every breath as you wander through the huge land of the living dead- rotting away from the constant moisture. Water collects itself onto your fur and scales while you peer with glassy eyes through the light fog, your feet sinking into the moist, plush soil with every step. Doesn't seem to be a very good place to be, huh? Don't worry. This is one of it's worser days. The forest, otherwise, is a tolerable place. The sun hardly ever shines, the life-forms are weak and clinging to the very edge from over-watering and lack of sunlight, the air is constantly chilly- but there is more here then you might imagine. Secrets litter this place- It sprouted from the Sunbathed Forest several thousand years ago. The trees are echoingly tall and no prey scents can be found, though wildlife exists. Somehow, through all the rotting wood and wet fog, the scents of other creatures stand out. Explore, and adventure. This place is huge, along with it, gems and jewels of equal size are to be discovered. 'Ask, and you shall receive.'

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The tundra is more or less a giant, 25-mile thick ice sheet that had already existed in the time of the dinosaurs. To not sound like a nerd, it's very old. To survive in the northern... er, blob of the ice pack is completely impossible. You would have to be a creature of god-like size in order to keep your paw-pads from becoming moisture-sapped and freezing into the ice. It's way too cold in the Northern Part for any sort of snow or hail, so the sky is startlingly blue and crystalline. The rest downward merely requires extremely thick fur and warm paws. Some creatures make burrows clean out of the hard snow-mounds that build up there. Kinda makes you want hot chocolate huh?

132blizzard with a ...
Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:08 pm
Phylex Hundt View latest post
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The Desert. Not the place you'd willingly want to be. The Central Desert is nothing but endlessly waves of tan hot-coals, while the Outer Desert acts like a protective ring of hot, jagged cliffs and sparce amounts of bushes that died green. Thousands of years ago, however, the billions of acres wide sand-pit used to be under water, and you'll occasionally hear of a rumor that floats around that some water was spared from the hot sun in an underground chamber as large as the desert itself. It's supposed to be filled with deep sea creatures that have hardly changed over the millennia. Before you plunge in, however, the sea had a "Eat or Be Eaten" moddo that it still upholds today, and back then it was filled with some REALLY big fishies.

17Desert Winds
Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:37 am
Phylex Hundt View latest post
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Meadow Lands

These open, flower-spotted absolutely flourish with wildlife. All the food here is fat and juicy, and is near constantly filled with edible herbs. The Meadow lands are shaped like an eight, with the top being smaller then the bottom. They're placed in the middle of the "Sunbathed Forest".

232Malakai's Attitu...
Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:40 pm
Phylex Hundt View latest post
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The Mountains are a very bold place for a creature to be. The view from the flattened top is beautiful, but the climb is harsh; full of falling boulders and weak ledges.

127Moutains of the ...
Sat May 02, 2009 5:41 pm
Phylex Hundt View latest post
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Placed WAY out in The Central Desert, the Ruins are small collection of remaining walls. Made from tan sandstone, is it actually pretty safe here due to the fact that the walls are shockingly smooth and sturdy. This place is practically impossible to find, and is buried by five feet of sand each day; only to have it magically be blown away by winds overnight.