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blizzard with a lone wolf

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1blizzard with a lone wolf Empty blizzard with a lone wolf Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:57 pm



Seala pushed through the blizzard. "hmmph!...mm...uhh.." Seala stumbled and her head hit a rock burried in the snow. she was nocked un-consous!


2blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:59 pm


another wolf apeared. her eyes where as gold as the sun in the sky. she had been in harsh weather like this many times before. she walked up to the lifeless wolf picked her up onto her beautiful brown highlighted back and swiftly carried her into a cave. she licked the wounds off her head and curled next to her into deep sleep

3blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:03 pm



Seala slept on and didnt wake till morning. (continued tomorrow.. waa..)


4blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:11 am


(sorry my mom kicked me off before i got a chance to get on DX)
"good mroning" Kana said. "you took a nasty fall and where knocked unconsiouse. how are you feeling". before she could answer kana lept out of the cave and came back with an elk carcus. "want some?" she asked.

5blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:40 am



Seala was shocked at being in a new place and being asked so many questions right when she first woke up. she was still laying down but looked around at the cave. then looked back at the stanger and nodded her head 'yes' about the elk. "just let me wake up first. my stomach doesnt like to be put to work first thing in the morning."


6blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:12 pm


"i see i will leave it here if you get hungry..." she begins to walk away "i have to go for a while unless you want to come?"

7blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:23 pm



when kana left, Seala got up, tilted her head, then followed her.


8blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:26 am

Phylex Hundt

Phylex Hundt

While Kana and Seala are walking through the almost-knee-high(to wolves) snow they see a big open space in the middle of a bunch of trees. It smells of other wolves, but it's like a ghost town. There was a small snow pile to one side. Or so they thought. They were startled, but only for a second, when they heard a scrathing/digging sound break the silence. Two black paws emerged out of the small snow pile, which made them back away slowly, thinking, This place isn't empty after all. Soon the black paws were followed by a black nose, then head, then a wolf, who spotted them. But he didn't growl, nor did he charge, he just stared at Kana and Seala, his glowing eyes somehow making their legs stop in their tracks. Then the mysterious wolf shook himself, streached, and walked into the forest behind the snow pile.

9blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:55 am



Seala was intranced. she made no thought nor sound as she slowly, unblinckingly, made her way to the pile.


10blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:01 am

Phylex Hundt

Phylex Hundt

Hundt felt a twitch. It was his senses telling him stranger wolves were in his territory. He stopped. He turned his head back to where he came. He said, "They'll be fine......as long as they don't get into my stash of hares stored for the winter."

11blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:38 pm



Seala sniffed around. she folowed hte scent of hare to a small stock pile. ah. this wolf is wise. she quickly coverd up the small hole. she soon broke the spell of couriosity, and realized she had been intruding into someone else's territory! she looked behind her and saw that Kana had moved on, unknowing. Seala panic'd (XD) and seeked the end of the territory markers. finding none quick enough, seala darted backwards, the way she came. she hadn't been paying much attention as her and Kana were coming this way, and found herself lost and alone near another stranger wolf's territory. she was not getting cold, and a small blizzard was building up. she didn't want to dig a hole to stay, for fear as angering the stranger wolf, so just layed in the snow, praying for warmth. If I am found by that wolf, she thought, I'm glad i have no scent of hare on me! the wind and snow grew stronger, s she grew colder, and colder in the cold artic tundra.


12blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:21 am

Phylex Hundt

Phylex Hundt

Hundt soon returned, and was curious about the other wolf also. Where did the wolf come from? Was she okay? Who WAS she? Hundt followed her scent to where she lied. Is she.....DEAD? Hundt looked down at her curiously. Then he whispered, "Are you all right?"

13blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:47 pm



(lol did you edit my last post? or did I do that? XD)

Seala looked up, shaking like a leaf with fear, and morely (not a word XD) cold. I-I'm F-Fine... J-J-Just really cold.. She wasn't sure wether to expect attack, or kindness. She knew that if she was bit and it hit her blood stream, her blood stream would freeze and bring no-doubt death. A light powder of snow covered her curled up body, and she shook so violently, some started to fall off. Her ears were almost frozen to the back of her head, and you could see the fear and sorrow in her eyes.


14blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:00 pm

Phylex Hundt

Phylex Hundt

"It's alright. Come to my den. It's not nesscessarily warm, but with both of us, we could probably survive another winter season." He chuckled, like this situation was amusing to him. "And there are many hares if you get hungry. Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself.....Hello. My name is Hundt. I will guide you to my den....and probably resize it. It's pretty small to start with." He smiled down at Seala, oddly unaware of the freezing climate around him.

15blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:17 pm



"Thank y-you v-very much.."She said frightened and cold. She then got up shakily and you could hear Ice cracking as the walked and shook the snow and ice off her fur.

(yur lead now XD)


16blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:20 am

Phylex Hundt

Phylex Hundt

"Come on, let's run. We'll get there faster and get your blood flowin' to warm you a little." Hundt said excitedly. "I also love a good race in the snow." He smiled and started speeding up his pace.

(your turn albino )

17blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:33 pm



Seala felt a rush of warmth flow through her like a wind. She regained her strong posture and tensed her legs for the dash. She knew she recovered so quickly because of her secret past that she told no one of, and for once, she embraced the dark energy. Seala smiled cockily and went into a slight bowing position, "Your on!" She said then dashed off at break neck speed, way beyond the limits of an ordinary canine. She realized this and slowed down instantaneously a few feet from the small camp. She then stopped to wait for Hundt and hoped with her whole heart he didn't ask how she did that.


18blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:09 pm

Phylex Hundt

Phylex Hundt

Hundt ran up to Seala a minute later, panting. "How......did you......do that?!" He said between gasps. "Unless it's personal, then you don't have to tell me. I'm not one to pry. I mean, if my pack.....was still around they would probably call me 'The secret-keeper' or something. 'Cause I'm, like, really good at keeping secrets......Whoops. Please tell me if I talk too much, because I could just go on and on when I get started on a topic." He walked on. "We should get to the camp soon anyway, it's starting to get dark. And night just brings even colder temperatures......And I love to hear stories, escpecially history stories." He smiled. "I could tell you about my pack." Then the smiled instantly turned into a heart wrenching frown. "And where they are now....." Hundt hung his head.

19blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:31 am



Seala put her ears back and nudged his shoulder, feeling his pain. "I know exactly what you mean..." She lifted her head and looked at him with a heart-warming smile, "If you like to hear stories, I can tell you about my past. It's a pretty wild one I'll tell ya!" She looked forward again and saw a large mound of snow and a hole near it. "We're here!" She loped ahead and began to work on making the den bigger. Seala kept her ears back to fit better and to keep snow/dirt out. She was digging so rapidly, she didn't notice the old stick she had just dug up until it tore her leg. Seala yelped and leapt out of the hole. A long gash ran up her left front leg, and it shone red with blood. "Aw man... There goes digging for a bit.." She looked up at the worried Hundt and said, "I'm fine, I just kinda gashed myself." She laughed and grabbed an Elk skin pouch hidden under a particurly thick area of fur and sat down. Seala then pulled out some tall plants with bright, yellow flowers, and chewed them into a poultice. Then she pulled out a long piece of white cloth, and placed the goldenrod poultice on it. She wrapped the cloth around her leg, and tucked the end under some of the wraps. She closed the pouch and hid it again, then smiled up at Hundt, "Yes, I am a healer." She laughed a little and then added, "Shall we continue?" she gestured toward the den with her tail.


20blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:54 pm

Phylex Hundt

Phylex Hundt

"Sure." Hundt trotted over to the den and found the stick, first of all. He grabbed it with his teeth and pulled until it came out. Then he finished up the digging. "Come on in. It's actually warmer inside than outside. And I love to hear stories. I could probably share mine with you." Hundt backed out of the den and smiled at Seala. "Can you walk? Winter dosen't take too kindly to the wounded, if you know what I mean."

(hee hee hee! this would be ur admin speaking >D yush, I am evil and I can edit posts. MUHAHAHAHA!)

Last edited by wolfsong on Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Random fun XD weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

21blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:41 pm



Seala smiled and answerd, I'm fine, thank you for asking. She stood up and limped over into the den, nearly brushing Hundt's face with her tail. (by accident of course XD) She flopped down greatfully onto the floor with a contented sigh. It was so nice to be warm. Seala looked up and said to Hundt, Thank you for allowing me into your Territory, let alone your den. She had grown up in a nice pack, but she had never thought she would be treated so kindly by a stranger wolf.

(I can also edit yours.....hee hee hee)


22blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:37 am

Phylex Hundt

Phylex Hundt

"No problem. I'm just one of those wolves that has a nice personality. Anyway, should we eat dinner first, then tell our histories? We'll be here for a while concerning the weather." Hundt asked as he was slowly crawling toward the end of the den.


(heh heh heh >3

This is fun XD)

Last edited by wolfsong on Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : - U know why...... >3 -)

23blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:40 am



Seala nodded and stood up, "I'll get it." She padded/mildly limped out of the warm, large den and back into the cold. As soon as her right paw touched the snow, every hair on her body shot outward and her face was more like a shocked grimace, "C-c-cold...." She chattered quickly. Wanting to get it over with more sooner then later, Seala hopped (hop like a bunny rabbit hop hop hop!) through the snow over to the pile and started to quickly dig away the snow. Her digging was interrupted by a huge gust on wind that almost knocked her over. "Oh!" She squealed as the snow-ridden wind ripped through her fur, chilling her instantly. I've got to get back inside.. She thought, But I can't go back in empty pawed! After all he's done for me I can't make HIM come out here, after all it's better one then both.... Digging furiously, Seala grabbed two huge hares (lucky for her they were both on top) and covered the hole quickly. Unable to feel any part of her anymore, she darted back into the den. The wave of warmth was highly welcomed, and Seala padded over to lie next to Hundt. "Here you are," She said as she placed the largest hare in front of him. Laying down, having their sides touch for warmth, she began eating her meal.


24blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:45 am

Phylex Hundt

Phylex Hundt

"You know, I could have gotten that for you. I've lived here all my life." said Hundt swallowing his hare in one gulp. He put his head on his paws and licked his lips. His eyes drooped a bit. He inhaled and stopped. His eyes immeadiatly(grr...spelling Mad ) opened and he picked his head up. He bared his teeth toward the opening of the door and growled a very low growl. "We've got company." He answered coldly to Seala's frozen--out of shock--form. "Bear." He said as the hair raised on his back. "It smelled the hares. We'll stay here. But if it gets too close.....I'll give it a surprise." Hundt grinned. The grin sent shivers down Seala's spine.

25blizzard with a lone wolf Empty Re: blizzard with a lone wolf Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:02 am



Seala gasped at the sign of bear, and snuggled closer to Hundt out of fear, "Bears...." she half growled, half whimpered, "Never liked them one bit..." With a small whine, she rested her head in Hundt's lap. (front paws XDDD)


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