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Malakai The Dark Wolf (Rated R Charicter! 13+)

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Name: Malakai

Age: Cannot remember, 12+

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Grayish-Blue

Fur Color: dark Gray

Fur Tint(If your Wolf/Other Animal has one): None

Markings: Gray-blue markings on face and tail

Personality: Wild, ferocious and hot headed. She will warn you very few times to leave her be or to stop annoying her, ect. before she just plain attacks.

History: She had a sweet child hood love whom she got envolved with too young. He had to leave to another world with a different time zone (one year here-one month there, thus the rest of her life) so to give her the one thing she had desired, they mated. When he left, guilt and sorrow filled her. The agony of the joy she had with him and the guilt of what they did While her parents wern't home Blinded her and left her mind and spirit open and un-guarded. A dark spirit known as Mephiles then slipped into her mind and, her being only 11, won her affections, Thus her whole life was in his hands. It then went like a Puppet-Master pulling strings as he gave her little peices of his power and gained more and more controll. When she was 11 1/2, she realized he was playing her and tried to pull away. He resisted and useing what parts of her mind and spirit he still had controll of, tortured her. She cried out for her love who never came and soon broke. In those few stunned moments memorys flooded back and plagued her. She the nremembered what he had last said to her, "Be strong Malakai, And never forget I will be with you when ever you need me. Take my ring, and When you hold it I will give you clarity and peace of mind." Her eyes widened, Of course! she squieled in her head, His ring! She had always worn it on her left leg as a bangle, but she had put it away when she had fallen into the "comfort" of Mephiles's arms. She clutched it tightly and thought, Shadow help me! The words rang through space and the ring responded. Mephiles screamed in anger as he was imprizoned inside a crystal, that quickly desinigrated into fine partictales that merged with her skin. She now had concoured her worst enemy, but she still held her greif. she held the ring in her paws and swore never to forget about it again. At the age of twelve, she left home saying it was for her own good. She now wanders irritated and depressed, and highly un-trusting.

Other: none

Pictures: I ith workin' on it, don't rush meh XD

Last edited by wolfsong on Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:19 pm; edited 1 time in total




Accepted XD


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